
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Everyday Grace by Jessica Thompson - my review

Everyday Grace: Infusing All Your Relationships with the Love of Jesus by Jessica Thompson is a great read that reminds you that the Holy Spirit is in control!  She starts by telling us that Everyday Grace is anything but another Christian self-help book. This book doesn't tell us what we should and shouldn't do, but instead reminds us of what Christ has done for us. Everyday Grace is a book of hope that keeps us focused on Jesus.

Karma - you do for me and I will do for you. Living with this type of attitude, as most of us do is exhausting.
"The truth is we don’t want ka me, ka thee or karma, even though we think we do. The gospel refutes this idea completely. It is anti-karma and pro-grace. The gospel says that even though you aren’t good enough now and actually never will be good enough in your own good works, I am going to give to you anyway. The gospel tells us that all we have earned has been given to the Son and all the Son has earned has been given undeservingly to us. If we try to rely on karma to see us through, it will be an endless life of working never to obtain. If we rest our souls in the gospel, our lives will be full of receiving, even though we could never work hard enough to receive the gift we have been given." page 4

Each chapter is awesome, the chapter on our children, reminds us of the love of God for ALL of his children. The chapter on friendships reminds us that Jesus is our friend that we can always turn too, a friend that will never let us down. The chapter about our husbands/marriages reminds us of Christ's love for his Church. The chapter on loving difficult people shares how the Holy Spirit is always with us to help and guide us. I enjoyed the entire book but this particular chapter is my favorite, it is a great reminder in letting the Holy Spirit do what he is sent to do.  

Everyday Grace has been added to my favorites books to be reread. I think it will be a number one Christianity book for 2015. One I highly recommend to everyone, as we all have relationships of some type.

I received an ARC (advanced reader's copy) from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review, rather it be good or bad. Thank you.

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