I enjoyed reading Pleasure of His Company: A Journey to Intimate Friendship With God by Dutch Sheets tremendously. It has 30 chapters full of ideas to bring you closer to God.
Yes I LOVE the idea of God being the life of the Heaven's Party and dancing at the return of a lost soul.
I too want Jesus to be my friend and walk with me daily, sharing in the good and the bad. Laughing and crying along me.
This book will help you get to know the Lord on a more intimate level. In this fast paced world we live in we need to take time to slow down and hear what God has to say. The author gives you ideas on how to do this and steps to set up your own place to meet with God. Several bible verses are mentioned to help you in this journey to get closer.
Also some humor thrown in, which is always good. I would like to add that I too like tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches, yes it is a southern thing.
On a more serious note if you too would like a more intimate walk with God I definitely recommend this book. Watch for it! Will be available January 2014!
I received an advanced copy of this in exchange for my review rather it be good or bad.